Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Tracie's vote is in

I asked my wonderful wife what she thought of the new blog look and she got quiet, not a good sign. Well, turns out, she was surprised I picked this template because she thought it was so girly looking. WHAT?! Don't call my blog girly. Any other thoughts?


Dana Kidder said...'ve seen the feathery rainbow, and thing about "dance" right?

Kurt Johnston said...

Girly with a capital 'G'! Dude, when I look at this site, I think "Man, is Jason actually a girl? If so, she's a super ugly one, but she does have an attractive blog." But that's just one MAN'S oppinion.

Anonymous said...

Jason, I think it's girly. It's the rainbow at the top. But I think you are secure in your masculinity enough for it. Well... is there any way to get rid of the rainbow?

Jason Raitz said...

Ok, the feather could be a litte much. The rainbow, your right, needs to go. I wonder if I could take it off, I will see.