Thursday, February 09, 2006

Funny Church Story

I have been employed by the local church for almost 11 years. For some reason, a church hired me when I was way too young to be there youth pastor. Anyways, the last 11 years have provided a lot of interesting and funny stories.

So, at one of the churches I worked at, our youth ministry was planning a huge event one year with the band Relient K. That was before they wanted $50K to play for an hour, anyways. We planned for months, reserved everything ahead of time, promoted and prayed a lot. So, the morning of the event, we arrived at the church to start setting up the stage and look what we found.

A FREAKIN HUGE STAGE built on the existing stage. See, when you bring in bands, you have to provide a certain amount of room for them to play. So, our event was a month before the big church outreach event and they didn't check any of the paperwork and just decided to build this huge stage on the stage. It was a major bummer because we actually went through all the proper channels and it still didn't work out.

Well, Relient K was cool about having a 8 foot stage to play on. It ended up working out, but I thought it was funny.

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