Thursday, July 27, 2006

Coming Soon

I am going to post very soon, my (to become yearly)..."If I picked the Speakers for the National Youth Workers Convention" List. I know most people won't care who I think would do a great job, but I am an event lover and there is no event I love more than this one. So, I am going to post my list very soon.

PS...I can't believe Group & Doug Fields is starting another Convention for Youth Pastors. Don't know how I feel about this. I love Group and Doug Fields and I love NYWC and I know there probably isn't any competition going on between the companies, wink? So, we will see. I hoping to make it to both, but don't know if I can swing it.

1 comment:

Pat said...

Isn't there also a little conference put on around the same time as the Group and SYM one by that little church that currently employs you?